Traduction de "were notorious" à espagnol
Exemples de traduction
All the great chefs in the world were notorious womanizers, real skirt-chasers. You know what I'm talking about?
Todos los grandes chefs fueron notorios mujeriegos, perseguidores de faldas, ¿sabes a lo que me refiero?
Both were notorious for unbridled extravagance, And their own tell points, loose living.
Ambos eran conocidos por sus extravagancias y por una vida desenfrenada.
He and his brother, Earl, were notorious lowlifes in Camden.
Él y su hermano Earl eran conocidos malvivientes de Camden.
The Picts were notorious for headhunting.
Los Picts eran conocidos por cazar cabezas.
Its officers were notoriously sadistic and brutal.
Las condiciones eran terribles: los oficiales eran conocidos por su sadismo y brutalidad.
Private eyes were notorious for all sorts of skulduggery.
Los detectives privados eran conocidos por todo tipo de tejemanejes.
Ion drives were notoriously slow, but they were also efficient.
Los motores de iones eran conocidos por su lentitud pero también por su eficiencia.
The Housemans were notorious for their extreme Liberal politics, always whining about "the little man"
Los Houseman eran conocidos por sus políticas demasiado liberales;
The Shining Path killers were notorious for attaching explosives to their victims and blasting them to pieces.
Los asesinos de Sendero Luminoso eran conocidos por su costumbre de atar bombas a sus víctimas para despedazarlas.
They were notorious for being difficult to navigate because of recurring adverse weather conditions and an abundance of reefs.
Eran conocidas por su dificultosa navegación debido a las adversas condiciones meteorológicas y a la abundancia de arrecifes.
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