Traduction de "were it it be" à espagnol
Exemples de traduction
She wondered whether NGOs were represented and whether there were any donor participants.
Pregunta si las ONG están representadas y si participan los donantes.
Were judges irremovable and independent, or were they appointed according to other criteria?
Pregunta si los jueces son inamovibles e independientes o si su designación se basa en otros criterios.
Impacts were also more likely when targeted organisms were rare, had a restricted distribution, or were located in pristine or sensitive environments.
También era más probable que se produjera un impacto ambiental si los organismos seleccionados eran escasos, si su distribución era restringida o si estaban situados en entornos vírgenes o sensibles.
She wondered whether they were appointed or were serving as volunteers.
Pregunta si los delegados se designan o si son voluntarios.
The complainant was uncertain whether the perpetrators were criminals or if they were attacked for political reasons.
La autora no estaba segura de si los agresores eran delincuentes o si el ataque obedecía a motivos políticos.
And anyway, if it were—” ‘ “If it were?”
Y de todos modos, si de verdad lo fuera... “—¿Y si lo fuera...?
And if they were turned off, were they not dead?
Y si los desconectaban, ¿no era como si los matasen?
And if there were?
—¿Y si lo hubiera habido?
“If it were you doing it,” I ask. “If it were me?”
Si lo estuvieses haciendo tú —pregunto. —¿Si fuese yo?
“But if he were troubled, if he were being bullied—”
—Pero si tuviera problemas, si le estuvieran atormentando…
They were immediately medically treated.
Se los trató inmediatamente.
The cases concerned were:
Se trata de los casos:
These were for:
Se trató de:
They were therefore not stateless persons.
No se trata, por lo tanto, de apátridas.
            "What prophecies were these?"
—¿De qué profecías se trata?
the negotiations were swift.
el trato fue rápido.
“These were the women in treatment,”
– Son las mujeres que trate.
They were not characters in a dirty joke.
No se trata de una broma.
Were you in league with the devil?
¿Tenías trato con el demonio?
After all, those were the terms.
Después de todo, ese era el trato.
Were they contact wounds?
– ¿Se trató de heridas de contacto?
They were a comely race.
Se trata a de una raza donosa.
Was it something you did? Something you were?
¿Se trata de algo que hiciste o de algo que fuiste?
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