Traduction de "were crying" à espagnol
Exemples de traduction
Some people were crying.
Algunas personas estaban llorando.
Half of them were crying.
La mitad estaban llorando.
Those boys were crying.
Esos niños estaban llorando.
My siblings were crying, my mother...
Mis hermanos estaban llorando, mi madre ...
You looked like you were crying.
Y parecía que estaban llorando.
The two little ones were crying.
Los dos pequeños estaban llorando.
- Children were crying.
- Los niños estaban llorando.
My children were crying.
Mis hijos estaban llorando.
Some of them were crying.
Algunos estaban llorando.
Many of the patients were crying.
Muchos de los pacientes estaban llorando
Corky and Corinne were crying.
Corky y Corinne estaban llorando.
And you were crying in the car.
Y usted estaba llorando en el coche.
            The kids were crying, and Mr.
Los niños estaban llorando, y Mr.
I knew not to hurt him if he were crying.
Mamá, estaba llorando, sabía que no había que pegarle si estaba llorando».
Soon the servants were crying, too.
Pronto, también los sirvientes estaban llorando.
“They were crying to come home.”
Estaban llorando porque querían volver a casa.
I could have sworn you were crying.
Hubiera jurado que estabas llorando.
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