Traduction de "were avoided" à espagnol
Exemples de traduction
Τhrough his act, hundreds of thousands ofAmerican casualties were avoided.
Por este hecho, cientos de miles de muertes americanas fueron evitadas.
Despite the organizer's good intentions, this concert of tolerance turned into a violent incindent, where serious consequences were avoided by an inch...
A pesar de las buenas intenciones del organizador, este concierto de tolerancia se convirtió en un incidente violento, en el cual serias consecuencias se evitaron por poco.
Hence, an arrest and a trial associated with either matter were avoided and familial disgrace had been buried by means of the boy’s removal to Lucca.
Así se evitaron tanto el arresto como el juicio. La desgracia familiar se enterró enviando al chico a Lucca.
There was pasta made in the Arab way with much sugar and cinnamon, while all dishes involving the flesh of the swine, such as fagioli with pork skins, were avoided out of consideration for the sensibilities of the guest of honor.
Se sirvió pasta hecha a la manera árabe, con mucho azúcar y canela, y se evitaron todos los platos a base de carne de cerdo, tales como los fagiolí con cortezas de cerdo, por consideración a las sensibilidades de la invitada de honor.
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