Traduction de "we walked away from" à espagnol
We walked away from
Exemples de traduction
It existed when we walked away from the Tower.
Existió cuando nos alejamos de la Torre.
We walked away from the ramp, Dudley leading.
Nos alejamos de la rampa con Dudley a la cabeza.
Come with me." We walked away from the crowd, down a side street.
Ven conmigo. —Nos alejamos de la multitud, siguiendo una calle lateral.
We walked away from my mother's gravestone. The stone that marked the death of a woman who was not dead.
Nos alejamos de la lápida de mi madre, una lápida con el nombre de una mujer que no estaba muerta.
We walked away from the bluebell, along the lane that I imagined, sometimes, must have been a Roman road.
Nos alejamos de la campanilla, por aquella carretera que quizá mucho tiempo atrás fuera una calzada romana.
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