Traduction de "was incompatible" à espagnol
Was incompatible
Exemples de traduction
Incompatible activities and confidentiality
Actividades incompatibles y confidencialidad
Conflict and development are incompatible.
Los conflictos y el desarrollo son incompatibles.
Avoid incompatible coatings
Evitar los revestimientos incompatibles
- Are incompatible with the interests of the State;
- Incompatibles con los intereses del Estado;
These are not incompatible processes.
Estos procesos no son incompatibles.
Corruption and democracy are incompatible; corruption and economic prosperity are incompatible; and corruption and equal opportunity are incompatible.
La corrupción y la democracia son incompatibles; la corrupción y la prosperidad económica son incompatibles; y la corrupción y la igualdad de oportunidades son incompatibles.
They are incompatible with the rule of law.
Esas disposiciones son incompatibles con el Estado de derecho.
"Sanctions" and dialogue are incompatible.
Las "sanciones" y el diálogo son incompatibles.
That was incompatible with the role that I played as wife.
Eso era incompatible con el rol que habia jugado como esposa.
the orbit would be incompatible.
la órbita sería incompatible.
incompatible avec l’art ;
incompatible con el arte;
They were simply incompatible.
Simplemente, eran incompatibles.
They were entirely incompatible.
Pero eran completamente incompatibles.
I was an incompatible client.
Yo era un cliente incompatible.
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