Traduction de "was annoyed" à espagnol
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The pattern of recurring agenda items is particularly annoying and wasteful.
La repetición de temas del programa es particularmente molesta y antieconómica.
4. North Korea is still communist, and this annoys the capitalist countries;
4. Corea del Norte sigue siendo comunista, cuestión que molesta a los países capitalistas;
Annoyed by this attitude, his employer applied to the employment inspector for authority to dismiss him, but the inspectorate refused.
Molesto por su actitud, su empleador recurrió al inspector de trabajo para poder despedirle, pero éste se negó.
For India, Pakistan's histrionics are merely an annoying distraction.
Para la India, el histrionismo del Pakistán es meramente una distracción molesta.
g Systematic and/or continued, unwanted and annoying actions which serve no legitimate purpose, causing substantial emotional distress.
g Actos sistemáticos o continuos no deseados y molestos que no tienen objetivo legítimo y producen considerable aflicción emocional.
The Cuban delegation always spoke the truth, with total freedom to express it, and that was annoying to some people.
La delegación de Cuba siempre habla con la verdad y con la libertad total para expresarla, y eso molesta a algunos.
Sorry, I was annoyed.
Disculpame, estaba molesto.
- No. I was annoyed at you.
Yo estaba molesta contigo.
~ Which was annoying me.
creí que estaba molesto conmigo.
I was annoyed. Ryan was pissed.
Yo estaba molesto, Ryan estaba enojado.
- Don Esteban was annoyed.
- Don Esteban estaba molesto.
I threw it away because I was annoyed.
Lo arrojé porque estaba molesto.
Cause I was annoyed...
Porque estaba molesta...
And I was annoyed with him.
Y estaba molesto con él.
I was annoyed when you didn't show up.
Estaba molesta cuando no apareciste.
It was an annoying and annoyed little voice.
Estaba molesta y su voz también resultaba molesta.
She looked deeply annoyed. Deeply annoyed.
Parecía profundamente molesta, indescriptiblemente molesta.
It was most annoying.
Ha sido muy molesto.
I hope that doesn't annoy you … It doesn't annoy you, does it?”
Espero que no te moleste… No te molesta, ¿verdad?
That annoyed him also.
Eso también le molestó.
But even that annoys me.
Pero es que hasta eso me molesta.
She was extremely annoyed.
Estaba muy molesta.
Man, that guy was annoying, huh?
Viejo, ese tipo era molesto, ¿no?
I thought my family was annoying.
Pense que mi familia era molesta.
It was annoying, but it worked.
Era molesto, pero funcionó,
It was annoying, but it was helpful.
Era molesto, pero ayudó.
I thought he was annoying, but now I miss him.
Pensaba que era molesto, pero ahora lo extraño.
Yeah, well, let's be honest. Rod was annoying.
Sí, vamos a ser honestos Rod era molesto.
Sorry. That was annoying.
Lo siento, era molesto.
She said I was annoying in Chinese.
Dijo que era molesta en chino.
We agreed basically it was annoying.
Básicamente, acordamos que era molesto.
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