Traduction de "very difficult thing" à espagnol
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That was because the Reconquista in Spain was a very difficult thing.
Fue porque la reconquista en España era una cosa muy difícil.
CABOT: What we asked you to do was a very difficult thing.
Lo que te pedimos que hicieras fue una cosa muy difícil.
It's a very difficult thing 'cause you're fighting a culture, a culture that really doesn't believe in these things.
Es una cosa muy difícil ' La causa que usted se opone a una cultura, Una cultura que realmente no hace Crea en estas cosas.
'We must talk, Peekay, today is a very difficult thing for me to do.' We followed the two warders into the cottage and Doc pointed to the Steinway and the stool.
—Tenemos que hablar, Peekay, hoy tengo que hacer una cosa muy difícil. Seguimos a los dos guardias a la casa y Doc les indicó el Steinway y el taburete.
Reaching the vault was not a very difficult thing, as there were many couches, chairs, side tables, and piles of rubble that could be gathered even if it was at the cost of tiring and long work.
Llegar a la bóveda no era cosa muy difícil habiendo en la sala muchos divanes, sillas, mesitas y montones de escombros que se podían reunir aunque fuese a costa de fatigoso y largo trabajo.
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