Traduction de "two friends" à espagnol
Exemples de traduction
It is alleged that the officer simply shot at the deceased as he was walking with two friends, with no prior warning or instigation.
Se denuncia que el funcionario disparó simplemente contra el fallecido mientras caminaba con dos amigos, sin advertencia ni provocación previas.
He was re-arrested, along with two friends, on 2 March by the head constable and the SHO of the Najafgarh police station.
El 2 de marzo fue detenido de nuevo, junto con dos amigos, por el oficial jefe y el oficial responsable de la comisaría de Najafgarh.
The two friends were arrested again.
Los dos amigos fueron detenidos de nuevo.
Two Friends of the President had been appointed to assist him.
Se nombró a dos Amigos del Presidente para asistirlo.
The two friends accompanying him attempted to flee, but one of them, Pa Lian, was arrested.
Dos amigos que le acompañaban intentaron huir pero uno de ellos, Pa Lian, fue detenido.
On 12 June 1997, for example, one Bosniak man and his two friends were stopped and assaulted by the police while riding their bicycles.
El 12 de junio de 1997, por ejemplo, la policía paró a un ciudadano de Bosnia y a sus dos amigos cuando iban en bicicleta y los agredió.
We hope that our two friends the United States and Cuba will resolve their differences peacefully.
Abrigamos la esperanza de que nuestros dos amigos, los Estados Unidos de América y Cuba, resuelvan pacíficamente sus dificultades.
Mohammed had been accompanied by two friends, who escaped unharmed.
Mohammed iba acompañado de dos amigos, que lograron escapar sin sufrir daño.
2.1 On 7 January 2001, Mr. Tulyaganov was arrested in Tashkent, together with two friends, Kim and Urinov, as a murder suspect.
El 7 de enero de 2001, el Sr. Tulyaganov fue detenido en Tashkent, junto con dos amigos, Kim y Urinov, como sospechoso de asesinato.
Two friends together?
¿Dos amigas juntas?
Two friends talking?
¿Dos amigos hablando?
Losing two friends..
Perdiste dos amigos...
“Ourselves and two friends.”
–Nosotros y dos amigos.
is here with two friends.
Viaja con dos amigos.
Two friends, actually.
Dos amigos, en realidad.
exclaimed the two friends.
—exclamaron los dos amigos.
The two friends turned.
Los dos amigos se volvieron.
the arrival of the witnesses — two friends of Giulia’s, a doctor and a lawyer, and two friends of his from the ministry;
dos amigos de Giulia, un médico y un abogado, y dos amigos suyos, del Ministerio;
he has but two friends.
sólo tiene dos amigos.
And this was the difference between the two friends.
Y esta era la diferencia entre los dos amigos.
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