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There were times when the situation seemed so serious that, as the saying goes, we could only joke about it.
Hubo momentos en que la situación parecía tan grave que, para utilizar la famosa citación, sólo podíamos bromear al respecto.
Saung Win Latt, a famous short story writer, has been detained since early 1997 and is serving a seven-year jail term for "violating the press" by making a joke about the junta during a literary talk.
Saung Win Latt, famoso escritor de cuentos, está en la cárcel desde principios de 1997 cumpliendo siete años de condena por haber "violado la prensa" al bromear sobre la Junta en una charla literaria.
It was a joke, of course - a joke at his expense.
Sólo pretendía bromear, por supuesto, bromear a sus propias expensas.
But we shouldn’t joke.
Pero no debemos bromear.
Was he intending to joke?
¿Trataba de bromear?
There was no time for jokes after that.
Ya no tendría ocasión de bromear más.
She is fond of a joke.
Le gusta mucho bromear.
This was no time for jokes.
Era el mejor momento para bromear.
He did not seem to be joking.
No parecía bromear.
I tried to joke with him.
Traté de bromear con él.
      I shouldn't joke about it.
No debería bromear con esto.
- I think this is not the time to joke.
—Me parece que no es esta ocasión de chancearse.
It is dangerous to joke with the members of the Hoolygani gaida .
Es peligroso chancearse de los miembros de la gaida de los Hoolyganis.
said Little Flocco, who was always in the mood to joke and torment his old Breton.
—dijo «Petifoque», siempre dispuesto a chancearse del viejo bretón.
“He’s either an escaped lunatic,” said Beau with disgust, “or else he’s one of those eccentric tycoons you read about who like to play. This is a joke.
—O el tipo es un loco escapado —exclamo Hermoso con disgusto— o se trata de uno de esos magnates excéntricos a quienes deleita chancearse. Esto es una broma.
While those devils of men, in the midst of so many risks, took pleasure in joking as if they were on the deck of a frigate in port, the Mandans hurried down into the dinghies that surrounded the ship.
Mientras aquellos diablos de hombres, en medio de tantos riesgos, se complacían en chancearse como si estuviesen en la tolda de una fragata en puerto, los mandanos se apresuraron a tripular sus barcas, que rodeaban el desmantelado bergantín.
We have to joke, don't we, about serious things.
Hay que hablar en broma de las cosas serias, ¿no le parece?
Because he whipped himself, Señor Eduardo would try to joke to Juan Diego about it;
Como el ‘señor Eduardo’ se flagelaba, procuraba hablar en broma con Juan Diego al respecto;
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