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He had adjusted the brightness of the spotlight so that it no longer dazzled you, hanging a rag over the bulb to subdue the glare.
Había regulado la intensidad de la luz para que no te deslumbrara.
Honor had hoped the sun’s glare would blind the man so that he could not see her, but as she peered at the dark form she sensed a gaze back.
Esperaba que la luz del sol deslumbrara al hombre y no la viera, pero al mirar fijamente el bulto oscuro notó una mirada clavada en ella.
Naomi was transfixed, peering out of her window at the roads and fields and houses below with her hands cupped to the sides of her face to cut the glare.
Naomi estaba en trance, mirando por la ventanilla los caminos, campos y casas de abajo, con las manos colocadas a ambos lados de la cara para evitar que el sol la deslumbrara.
His eyes lowered in order not to be blinded by the sun that was coming in through the window, as if the sun was functioning as a glaring light in an old-style third-degree interrogation, Claudio Valtraga said, ‘Could I have a coffee?
Con los ojos bajos para que no le deslumbrara el sol que entraba por la ventana, como si el sol hiciera de lámpara cegadora en un anticuado interrogatorio de tercer grado, Claudio Valtraga preguntó: —¿No podría tomar un café?
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the captain lean forward and rest his arms on the balustrade. His aquiline profile was lit by a bright ray of sunlight that found its way through a tear in the awning erected to shade the audience from the glare, for the Corral faced west and was on a hill.
Por el rabillo del ojo vi cómo el capitán se inclinaba hasta apoyar los brazos en el antepecho, recortado el perfil aguileño por un rayo de sol que se filtraba por un roto del toldo extendido para que no se deslumbrara el público, pues el corral estaba orientado hacia el sol de la tarde y cuesta arriba.
Someone—Jules Harvey? the appropriated interns?—had located a master control panel for the loft’s lighting, and fiddled until the stage was encircled with a blobby series of wide purplish spots from a track of lamps mounted behind the band, angled to glare in the eyes of anyone standing near enough to discern the band’s faces, and casting the floor between stage and elevator into dark.
Alguien —¿Jules Harvey?, ¿las becarias correspondientes?— había localizado el panel de control de las luces del loft y no había parado hasta rodear el escenario de una borrosa serie de grandes motas violetas procedentes de un riel de focos montado detrás del grupo, inclinados para deslumbrar a cualquiera que estuviera lo bastante cerca para discernir la cara de los músicos y dejar a oscuras el suelo entre el escenario y el ascensor.
His resilience and optimism had evaporated in the glare of what he had seen during his wanderings these past few days.
Su flexibilidad y su optimismo se habían evaporado en el relumbrar de lo que había visto durante su vagar de aquellos últimos días.
To the north-eastward, the glare of snow lay under the starlight of the sable sky and I could see an undulating crest of hillocks pinkish white.
Hacia el nordeste, el relumbrar de la nieve se extendía bajo la luz de las estrellas de un cielo negro, y pude ver las cumbres ondulantes de unas lomas de un blanco rosado.
Avery permitted himself to glare at the general.
Avery se permitió mirar ferozmente al general.
He easily shoved her aside and leaned down to glare into her withered face.
Él la apartó sin esfuerzo de un empujón y se inclinó para mirar ferozmente su ajado rostro.
The twin drakes seemed to glare down at Nuarc and Malus as they approached the Witch King’s throne room.
Las criaturas gemelas parecieron mirar ferozmente a Nuarc y Malus cuando se acercaron a la sala del trono del Rey Brujo.
I gave in with poor grace. "Fine," I pouted, unable to glare as effectively as I would have liked. "I'll go quietly.
Me rendí a regañadientes. –Bien -contesté con un mohín, incapaz de echar fuego por los ojos con la eficacia deseada-. Me lo tomaré con calma.
            "No pay!" Trained as an actor, George had learned to swell his voice theatrically, to glare, to seem startled and to have a startling effect.
—¡Nada de pago! —Con su aprendizaje de actor, George había aprendido a modular la voz con efectos teatrales, a echar fuego por los ojos, a parecer asustado y causar un efecto amenazador.
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