Traduction de "to be agreeable" à espagnol
To be agreeable
Exemples de traduction
“Well, maybe you’re right,” I said, just to be agreeable.
—Bueno, quizá tengáis razón —repuse con tal de ser agradable—.
So you were led to be agreeable, as Lizabeta was, to sympathize with the aggrieved woman.
De modo que uno tendía a ser agradable, a compadecerse de la desdichada mujer.
I was trying hard to be agreeable but my mother—fitful and woozy—had picked up on my tone;
Me esforzaba por ser agradable, pero mi madre, aun mareada e inestable como se sentía, no había pasado por alto el tono de mi voz;
She had said this only to be agreeable, and when my uncle laughed in a particular way she turned red.
Solo trataba de ser agradable, pero mi tío se rió de un modo particular que la hizo ponerse roja como la grana.
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