Traduction de "they thinking" à espagnol
Exemples de traduction
His relatives think that he joined the maquis.
Sus allegados piensan que se refugió en el monte.
What do Latin American children think of the family? (1993)
Qué piensan los niños latinoamericanos de la familia (1993)
They drive that car and everyone thinks it is a Palestinian car.
Van manejándolo y todos piensan que es un automóvil palestino.
Our Governments, diplomats and politicians rarely think in such terms.
Nuestros gobiernos, diplomáticos y políticos casi nunca piensan de esa manera.
Many still think that the Earth is ours to use as we like.
Muchos piensan todavía que la Tierra es nuestra para usarla como queramos.
Many of them think that women's and children's rights are not their concern.
Algunos de ellos piensan que los derechos de la mujer y el niño no son asunto de su incumbencia.
The second step is to ascertain their views and find out what their thinking is.
El segundo paso es determinar sus opiniones y saber lo que piensan.
We think we know their minds on the issues.
Creemos que conocemos lo que piensan sobre estas cuestiones.
They think like animals.
Ellos piensan como animales.
They think they do.
Ellos piensan que sí.
They think like soldiers
Ellos piensan como soldados
They think we crave...
Ellos piensan que ansiamos...
They think so too.
Ellos piensan lo mismo.
they dream of it, they talk about it, they think they think they are going to enjoy it - with all their simple hearts they think they think they are going to be happy in it!
sueñan con él, hablan de él, piensan que piensan que van a disfrutar de él, ¡con todo su simple corazón piensan que piensan que van a ser felices en él!
Those responsible for our well-being think for us while they think of us.
Los responsables de lo nuestro piensan por nosotros mientras piensan en nosotros.
“Is that what they think?”
–¿Y eso es lo que piensan?
And others think
—Y otros piensan...
That is what they think.
Eso es lo que ellos piensan.
Think Differently
Pensar de manera diferente
It is unrealistic to think so.
Pensar así no es realista.
What are we to think of all this?
¿Qué debemos pensar de todo esto?
26. The Constitution sets forth the idea of thinking for ourselves without the imposition of other cultures and other ways of thinking.
La Constitución establece la idea de pensar por nosotros mismos, sin la imposición de otras culturas, de otras formas de pensar.
Prejudging means both thinking that we will get nowhere as well as thinking that we must arrive at a single conclusion.
Prejuzgar es tanto pensar que no vamos a llegar a ninguna parte como pensar que tenemos que llegar a una única conclusión.
It would be naive to think otherwise.
Sería ingenuo pensar de otro modo.
:: Think independently.
:: Pensar con independencia.
Why don't they think about the kids.
No se que pensar acerca de los niños.
That's what they think about me.
Eso es lo que pensará la gente.
They think she did this?
Bueno, no saben que pensar.
They think I'm crazy.
Tienen que pensar que estoy loca.
But if they think they're gonna get it before we do, they got another think coming.
Pero si creen que lo cogerán antes que nosotros Van a tener que pensar otra cosa
- You have to think like they think, ok ?
Tiene que pensar como ellas. ¿De acuerdo?
Good for nothing but thinking, thinking, thinking.
Sólo servía para pensar, pensar y pensar.
No, just thinking for the sake of thinking.
—No, sólo pensar por pensar.
He had to think, think.
Tenía que pensar, pensar de verdad.
Much better to rock in this chair, and not think, not think, not think.
Era preferible seguir sentado en la mecedora, sin pensar, sin pensar, sin pensar.
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