Traduction de "that represents" à espagnol
Exemples de traduction
that this represents for the implementation
obstáculo que esto representa para la
They are represented by counsel.
Los representa un abogado.
One represents danger and the other represents opportunity.
Uno de ellos representa el peligro y el otro representa la oportunidad.
If a child has no one to represent his or her interests or his or her interests are in conflict with those of his or her representative, the public prosecutor shall act as the minor's representative.
Si no tiene quien lo represente o sus intereses están en conflicto con los de quien lo representa, será el fiscal quien represente al menor.
Within a year, that represents 1 200 000 yens.
En un año, eso representa un millón doscientos mil yenes.
We don't know if that represents genuine communication.
No sabemos si eso representa comunicación genuina.
Maybe that represents the rings competition.
Puede ser que eso represente los anillos de la competencia.
Eso representa un cálculo complejo.
I mean, that represents the type of...
Quiero decir, eso representa el tipo...
That represents immortality.
Eso representa la inmortalidad.
You are aware of the level of insult that represents?
¿Sabe el nivel de insulto que eso representa?
The affection deficit that represents?
La falta de cariño que eso representa.
“And this represents…?”
¿Y esto representa...?
'Does the house represent anything?' 'The little house? It represents a house.'
—¿Representa algo la casita? —¿La casita? Representa una casa.
But what does it represent?
Pero ¿qué representa?
I represent the state.
Represento al estado.
Everything represents something.
Todo representa algo.
She represents Orsino but also, as Cesario, she represents a male.
Representa a Orsino, pero también, en cuanto que Cesario, representa a un hombre.
He had said to him, "You represent man, I represent the beasts.
Le había dicho: «Tú representas al hombre, yo represento al animal;
What do you think that represented?
¿Qué crees que representa?
That represents a 4,166% increase.
Que representa un aumento del 4.166%.
Somebody that represents our home.
Alguien que represente a nuestro hogar.
That represents child actors,
Que representa a niños actores,
The one that represents friendship.
La que representa la amistad.
Something that represents dignity. Roots, solidity.
Algo que represente dignidad... raíces, solidez.
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