Traduction de "that is greatly" à espagnol
Exemples de traduction
Ambassador Shannon's commitment and integrity will be greatly missed.
Echaremos grandemente de menos la dedicación e integridad del Embajador Shannon.
To decribe the mission as one of evaluation would greatly help the Committee's action.
Describir la misión como de evaluación contribuiría grandemente a la labor del Comité.
His Government greatly appreciated those efforts.
Su Gobierno aprecia grandemente esas actividades.
The conviction and sentence contributed greatly to the reduction of tension.
La condena y la sanción contribuyeron grandemente a atenuar las tensiones.
The AEC sector has been greatly influenced by information technology.
La tecnología de la información ha influido grandemente en el sector SAI.
The shortage of housing greatly affects women in Nunavut.
La escasez de vivienda afecta grandemente a las mujeres de Nunavut.
The project has greatly improved the people's lives.
El proyecto ha mejorado grandemente la vida de la población.
This deal is considered to have greatly contributed to saving the Israeli economy.
Se considera que ese acuerdo contribuyó grandemente a salvar la economía de Israel.
I greatly appreciated the opportunity to speak with you and with your colleagues in the Ministry.
Agradezco grandemente la oportunidad que tuve de entrevistarme con usted y con sus colegas del Ministerio.
We would be greatly remiss were we to depart from that approach.
Faltaríamos grandemente a nuestra obligación si nos apartáramos de ese enfoque.
They greatly interest me.
Me interesan grandemente.
I have greatly improved.
He mejorado grandemente.
I greatly feared for you and drove it off.
Temí grandemente por ti y lo ahuyenté.
But I greatly wished to speak with you;
Pero deseaba grandemente hablar contigo;
Indeed, its value is greatly diminished.
—Desde luego, su valor ha disminuido grandemente.
That experience greatly colored my life.
Esa experiencia influyó grandemente en mi vida.
Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion;
Regocíjate grandemente, oh hija de Sión;
This voyage, short though it has been, has been greatly instructive.
Este viaje, corto como ha sido, ha sido grandemente instructivo.
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