Traduction de "surround him" à espagnol
Surround him
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One of the men started hollering that they were going to surround him.
Uno de los hombres decía a gritos que había que rodearlo.
I want to weaken his defenses, to surround him with distractions.
—Quiero debilitar sus defensas, rodearle de distracciones.
Their hands were linked in a circle, apparently surrounding him.
Se cogían de la mano formando un círculo, y parecían rodearle.
But the soldiers quickly rushed to surround him, cutting off his retreat.
Pero los soldados se apresuraron a rodearlo e impedirle la retirada.
The six men moved forward, spreading to surround him again.
Los seis hombres avanzaron, desplegándose de nuevo para rodearlo.
The held-in warmth of his body began surrounding him comfortingly.
El calor interno de su cuerpo empezó a rodearle agradablemente.
Felt light begin to surround him. Her light. The queen’s light.
Mientras sentía que la luz empezaba a rodearlo. La luz de ella. La luz de la reina.
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