Traduction de "suits him" à espagnol
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It suited him too, Charmain thought.
«Le queda bien», pensó Charmain.
“Does short hair not suit him?” “Quite the contrary!
¿No le queda bien el pelo corto? —¡Al contrario!
“Yes. I’m not sure it suits him.” “He seemed okay.
—Sí. No sé si le queda bien. —Parecía estar bien.
Though I must say, it suits him." "He goes there. Went there.
Aunque tengo que decir que le queda bien. —Va allí. Iba allí.
That night, Dorothy said to Griselda 'His name suits him.' 'Stern.'
Le queda bien su nombre —le dijo Dorothy a Griselda esa noche. —Stern.
One of them is damaged, she notices, but in a strange way it suits him. “It is, isn’t it,”
Ve que uno de ellos está dañado, pero de alguna extraña manera le queda bien. —Sí, ¿verdad?
His little pointed beard suited him. It gave him distinction, made him look older.
Su barbita en punta le queda bien. Lo hace reposado y lo envejece.
He looked now exactly like what he was, a medieval king, and his own clothing suited him much better than a business suit. He must have been thinking something along the same lines because his first remark to her was, "Their barbaric clothing does not suit you.
Tenía aspecto de lo que realmente era, un rey medieval, y esa ropa le quedaba mucho mejor que el traje de ejecutivo. Debía de haber estado pensando algo parecido, porque su primer comentario fue: —Esa ropa bárbara no te queda bien.
He'll quit anybody if it suits him.
Abandonará a cualquiera si le conviene.
The water here doesn't suit him...
El agua no le conviene aquí....
He thinks it suits him.
Piensa que le conviene.
Only when it suits him.
Sólo cuando le conviene.
Because it suits him to have you alive.
Porque le conviene que viva.
It kind of suits him.
Oh, bendito. En cierto modo le conviene.
that suits him, no?
- Que le conviene, no?
Only listens when it suits him.
Sólo escucha cuando le conviene.
Because it doesn't suit him.
Porque no le conviene.
He only remembers the things that suit him.
Sólo recuerda lo que le conviene.
Bret is looking for a job that would suit him; and my job would suit him.
—Bret está buscando un puesto que le convenga y el mío le conviene.
Still, when it suits him, Khrushchev is a Marxist.
Sin embargo, cuando le conviene, Jruschov es marxista.
When it suits him, he’s evasive or outright lies.
Cuando le conviene, es evasivo, o miente descaradamente.
He dared go into Scotland Yard when it suited him.
—Se atreve a entrar en Scotland Yard cuando le conviene.
It suits him to keep me tucked away in Eden Grove.
Le conviene mantenerme arropada en Eden Grove.
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