Traduction de "so insidious" à espagnol
So insidious
Exemples de traduction
We are in the midst of a revolution so insidious, we can't even see it.
Estamos en medio de una revolución tan insidiosa, que no podemos ni siquiera verla.
Thoughtcrime is so insidious.
La idea-crimen es tan insidiosa.
She committed a crime so insidious we must punish it quickly and severely.
Cometió un crimen tan insidioso que debemos castigarla rápida y severamente.
I found that so insidious just how he murdered all those women.
Encontré esta manera tan insidiosa de cómo asesinó a todas esas mujeres.
It’s so insidious, it was nigh-on invisible.’
Es tan insidioso que era casi invisible.
But they were so powerful, so insidious. And so deadly.
Pero tenían tanto poder, eran tan insidiosos… y tan mortíferos…
If you wanted to catch your murderer so badly, why be so insidious?
—Si tanto deseabas atrapar a tu asesino, ¿por qué ser tan insidioso?
But depression is so insidious, and it compounds daily, that it’s impossible to ever see the end.
Pero la depresión es tan insidiosa, tan constante, que es imposible ver el final.
This inexorable technocreep is so insidious that no one has yet calculated its social and emotional costs.
El avance inexorable de la tecnología es tan insidioso que nadie ha calculado todavía sus costes emocionales y sociales.
The virus was so insidious that the most contagious period occurred a full day before any symptoms manifested;
El virus era tan insidioso que el periodo de mayor riesgo de contagio se producía un día antes de que aparecieran los síntomas.
He saw so much of the thing - and its influence was so insidious. Why has he never been able to move away?
Vio tanto de la cosa…, y su influencia era tan insidiosa… ¿Por qué no ha sido capaz de marcharse a vivir a otra parte?
She stiffened. His voice lowered and he repeated: "A poison—so subtle, so insidious . so irreversible.
Ella se envaró. La voz de Paul descendió hasta un murmullo y repitió: —Un veneno... tan sutil, tan insidioso... tan irreversible.
It was the fifth day after the Zhedevka slaughter, but the pall of smoke that clung to the countryside was so insidious and thick that little daylight had been seen in that time.
Era el quinto día posterior a la matanza de Zhedevka, pero el sudario de humo que se aferraba a la campiña era tan insidioso y espeso que poca luz solar se había visto en ese tiempo.
But in all my life I have never seen a female so violated in her soul as well as in her sexual parts—so insidiously, thoroughly, ruinously, and horrifyingly violated—as was Something Delicate by Jadestone Doll.
Pero en toda mi vida jamás he visto a una hembra ser violada tanto en su alma como en sus partes sexuales, como lo fue Algo Delicado. Violada tan insidiosa, tan cabal y espantosamente por Muñeca de Jade.
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