Traduction de "so conservative" à espagnol
So conservative
Exemples de traduction
-And you're so conservative.
-Y eres tan conservadora.
People were so conservative back then.
La gente era tan conservadora en ese entonces.
Oh, Ethan's so conservative.
Ethan es tan conservador.
Why are we Brahmans so conservative?
¿Por qué somos tan conservadores?
It's so conservative and so reserved.
que es tan reservado y tan conservador.
“Ruth, he’s so conservative he probably bleeds white.”
—Ruth, ese es tan conservador que seguro que tiene blanca hasta la sangre.
The Argentines are so conservative they won't drink through a straw.
Los argentinos son tan conservadores que no quieren beber a través de una pajita.
The theology of Bechnechous, the high priest who leads the opposition, is so conservative that it borders on the archaic.
La teología de Bechnechous, el sumo sacerdote que lidera la oposición, es tan conservadora que bordea lo arcaico.
Even among so conservative a race as the High Ones, architectural styles do change in hundreds of millions of years.
Aun en una raza tan conservadora como los Superiores, los estilos arquitectónicos cambian en cientos de millones de años.
Even the tribuni aerarii on that jury were so conservative they made Catulus look like a radical." He shrugged.
Incluso los tribuni aerarii de aquel jurado eran tan conservadores que hacían que Catulo pareciera un radical. – Se encogió de hombros-.
I think of that whenever I see my granddaughter, Colette, who is so clued in about all the pleasures in life, and yet somehow so conservative.
Eso pienso cuando veo a mi nieta Colette, tan informada de todos los placeres del mundo y de alguna forma tan conservadora.
He was so conservative in manner and appearance that it was almost surprising to see up close that his face was yet unlined and there was no gray in his close-trimmed brown hair.
Era tan conservador en sus modales y apariencia que le sorprendía ver la ausencia de arrugas en el rostro y de canas en el pelo castaño.
Uncle Alex was so conservative politically that I do not think he would have eaten lunch with Hapgood gladly if Hapgood had not been a fellow Harvard man.
El tío Alex era tan conservador políticamente que no creo yo que hubiese comido con Hapgood a gusto si no hubieran sido condiscípulos en Harvard.
Nevertheless, the pattern was so conservative, and the material so fine, that this seemed rather a mark of luxuriance than some deliberate hebetude on the part of the giver;
Sin embargo, el modelo era tan conservador y el tejido tan fino que aquello parecía una muestra de prodigalidad más que una torpeza deliberada por parte del donante;
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