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Their pale blue eyes stared out warily over flat cheeks and short noses.
Sus ojos azul pálido miraban con cautela por encima de narices cortas y mejillas hundidas.
She was of average height, with a short nose, wide cheekbones, and the elongated brown eyes that often accompany them.
Era de altura media, nariz corta, pómulos anchos y de ojos pardos y rasgados.
There seemed nothing wasted in his hard small jaw, gaunt firm cheeks and straight short nose.
Nada sobraba en su mandíbula dura y pequeña, en sus mejillas descamadas y firmes y en la nariz corta y recta.
Her large black eyes, her short nose and her thin lips indicated ruthless arrogance.
Los grandes ojos negros, la nariz corta y los labios delgados revelaban una cruel arrogancia.
Short, with long brown hair pinned up behind her head, she had a wide face with a short nose.
Bajita y con la melena castaña recogida detrás de la cabeza, tenía el rostro ancho y la nariz corta.
It becomes her very well.” He wrinkled up his short nose and squinted as if a strong light had been flashed in his face.
Se le da muy bien. —Frunció la nariz corta y parpadeó, como deslumbrado por una luz intensa.
Full round faces, dented chins, short noses (Pompey's was even snubbed), thinnish lips. Gaul, not Roman.
Rostros redondos, barbillas partidas con hoyuelo, narices cortas -la de Pompeyo era incluso respingona-, labios más bien finos. Eran galos, no romanos.
He had a fine full front—head and belly matching a very impressive wide, short-nosed, breath-held pale face.
Tenía un aspecto agradable, la cabeza y la barriga a tono con un rostro especialmente impresionante, ancho, pálido, de nariz corta, aliento contenido.
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