Traduction de "shooting him" à espagnol
Shooting him
Exemples de traduction
He saw Chester shooting him, in one.
En una de ellas vio a Chester disparándole un tiro.
He wanted to shoot him in the face and kill him.
Quería matarlo disparándole en la cara.
She imagined shooting him as he rode up.
Se imaginó disparándolo mientras cabalgaba.
Odysseus killed him by shooting him through the neck with an arrow.
Odiseo lo mató disparándole una flecha en el cuello.
Miss Diaz is accused of killing a man by shooting him three times.
—La señorita Díaz está acusada de matar a un hombre disparándole tres veces.
They kept shooting him until they reached the money, and then they fired at Richard. He fell backwards into the car.
Siguieron disparándole hasta que alcanzaron el dinero, y entonces dispararon a Richard, que cayó de espaldas dentro del coche.
I pictured myself pulling the gun out of my coat, shooting him in the back of the neck and getting out of there with the key he kept in his pocket.
Me vi a mí mismo extrayendo el revólver del abrigo, disparándole en la nunca y saliendo de allí con la llave que había guardado en su bolsillo.
In the rearview mirror Big Gin stormed out into traffic, shooting him the finger, winded in a short run. “That’s illegal!” Raymond hollered.
Por el espejo retrovisor vio a la gran Gin salir furiosa al tráfico, disparándole con el dedo y sin aliento tras una pequeña carrera. –Eso es ilegal -voceó Raymond-.
She wanted to shoot him again; but her ammunition (which was, I noticed with surprise, only for a .22 rifle) lay scattered on the ground. She couldn’t collect it, because she was blind.
Quería seguir disparándole, pero la munición (que, comprobé con sorpresa, era solamente para rifle del .22) estaba esparcida por el suelo, y ella no la podía recoger porque era ciega.
Richter, the escapee, had told them, unsurprisingly, that Model had killed the first victim himself, shooting him in the back of his head from close range and ordering Richter to drag him out.
El rehén escapado les había dicho que Model mató a la primera víctima disparándole en la nuca desde cerca y luego le ordenó arrastrarla hasta la calle.
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