Traduction de "shake her" à espagnol
Shake her
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Exemples de traduction
He had the urge to shake her.
Él hubiera deseado sacudirla.
I decided to shake her awake.
Decidí sacudirla para despertarla.
I burst out, wanting to shake her and go on shaking her.
—estallé, con deseos de sacudirla, de seguir sacudiéndola—.
He wanted to grab her and shake her.
—hubiese querido agarrarla y sacudirla—.
"Viola?" I say, shaking her again.
—¿Viola? —Vuelvo a sacudirla—.
Kearney took her by the shoulders as if to shake her;
Kearney la cogió por los hombros como para sacudirla;
the other twin was shouting, and began to shake her.
—vociferaba la otra gemela, y empezó a sacudirla.
I had the urge to run over and shake her.
Tenía la urgencia de correr hacia ella y sacudirla.
I looked at her, tried to shake her awake.
La miré y traté de sacudirla para despertarla.
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