Traduction de "severely injured" à espagnol
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Some of those acts resulted in Palestinians being severely injured.
Como consecuencia de algunos de esos actos, resultaron gravemente heridos varios palestinos.
Three persons were brought to the hospital, one severely injured.
Tres personas fueron hospitalizadas, una de ellas gravemente herida.
He was found severely injured the following day on the tracks and had to have a leg amputated. 36/
Al día siguiente lo encontraron sobre la vía gravemente herido y le tuvieron que amputar una pierna36.
The driver was severely injured.
El conductor resultó gravemente herido.
Sulma was severely injured but survived.
Sulma resultó gravemente herida, pero sobrevivió.
Although severely injured, Rong Panha was taken away and detained for 48 hours.
A pesar de que se encontraba gravemente herido, Rong Panha fue detenido y encarcelado durante 48 horas.
Mehmet Ali Karaaslan was severely injured and had to be hospitalized.
Mehmet Ali Karaaslan resultó gravemente herido y tuvo que ser hospitalizado.
A police officer had been stabbed and two others had been severely injured.
Un agente de policía fue apuñalado y otros dos resultaron gravemente heridos.
Ali Bayram died and the daughter was severely injured.
Ali Bayram murió y su hija quedó gravemente herida.
It's a severely injured squirrel.
Es una ardilla gravemente herida.
No, seem he is severely injured
No, está gravemente herido.
Agent Hanna, you were severely injured.
Agente Hannah, está gravemente herido.
Our members are severely injured.
Nuestros miembros están gravemente heridos.
I have definitely been severely injured.
Sin duda fui gravemente herido.
Severely injured people fell into it.
La gente gravemente herida se sumía en él.
Dooku was the most severely injured of the three.
Dooku era el más gravemente herido de los tres.
The baby was born dead or severely injured.
–La niña nació muerta o gravemente herida.
this is proved by the rite of Supreme Unction conferred when an old-born is severely injured or—
eso lo demuestra el rito de la Suprema Unción que se otorga a un renacido gravemente herido o…
Our mother was killed instantly, and Annie was very severely injured, but she's alive.”
Nuestra madre murió en el acto, y Annie resultó gravemente herida, pero está viva.
Several members of the Admiral's staff were killed, and he himself was severely injured."
Varios miembros del equipo del almirante murieron y él mismo resultó gravemente herido.
Smith was severely injured, and she died in the ambulance while it headed toward Clarksdale’s G.
Smith resultó gravemente herida y falleció en la ambulancia que se dirigía al hospital G. T.
By the time the cops from Lyndhurst arrived, Meredith Powell would likely be severely injured or entirely dead.
Para cuando llegara la Policía de Lyndhurst, Meredith Powell probablemente estaría gravemente herida o muerta.
Since the flamethrowers had greater range than the garinafins, Korva—or at least her crew—was sure to be severely injured.
Como los lanzallamas tenían más alcance que los garinafins, Korva quedaría gravemente herido —o, al menos, su tripulación.
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