Traduction de "sawing off" à espagnol
Sawing off
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Eventually they had to start sawing off the build-up…” “They still…?” “Of course not.
Al final tuvieron que empezar a serrar los extremos… —¿Lo hacen todavía…? —Por supuesto que no.
She laid out her materials and, with the shark’s tooth, began sawing off the old clamshell that had been bound to the bottom of her hoe handle.
Con el diente de tiburón comenzó a serrar el caparazón incrustado en el extremo del mango de la azada.
At ten past eleven Rachel says she is feeling tired, and asks Adel some question about the next day, something about sawing off a branch or painting a bench.
A las once y diez Rahel dice que está cansada y le pregunta a Adel algo sobre el día siguiente: algo relacionado con serrar una rama o pintar un banco.
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