Traduction de "route to destination" à espagnol
Exemples de traduction
- Seizure or diversion from its route or destination of a ship, aircraft, automobile, train or other means of transport through the use of physical violence, threats or deception (3 to 20 years' imprisonment and a daily fine of 100 to 400 days);
:: Prisión de 3 a 20 años y de 100 a 400 días multa al que mediante la violencia física, amenazas o engaño se apodere de una nave, aeronave, maquina, tren o medio de transporte, o los haga desviar de su ruta o destino.
To Landon’s great annoyance, it took more than ten minutes to explain to his security detail that he had added a leg to his travel plans, then wait for them to approve his route and destination. Ridiculous, he said.
Con gran disgusto, a Landon le llevó más de diez minutos explicarle a su personal de seguridad que había añadido un cambio a sus planes de viaje, para después esperar a que ellos aprobaran su ruta y destino.
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