Traduction de "religious sect" à espagnol
Religious sect
Exemples de traduction
He also enquired about the prevalence of religious sects in Madagascar.
También pregunta por la prevalencia de las sectas religiosas en Madagascar.
He would be averse to deleting it, as religious sects represented a serious problem in some countries.
Se opondrá a suprimirlo puesto que las sectas religiosas son un problema serio en algunos países.
Although there were no laws governing the recognition of religions or religious sects by the authorities, articles 174 to 177 of the Penal Code dealt with the possible threat to public order posed by the activities of ministers of religious sects.
Aunque no había leyes que gobernaban el reconocimiento de religiones o sectas religiosas por las autoridades, en los artículos 174 a 177 del Código Penal se trataba la amenaza al orden público que podrían representar las actividades de los dirigentes de las sectas religiosas.
"Marriage may be solemnized by any priest, rabbi, imam, or minister of any church or religious sect duly authorized by his church or religious sect and registered with the civil registrar-general acting within the limits of those written authority granted by his church or religious sect and provided that at least one of the contracting parties belongs to the solemnizing officials church or religious sect."
"Podrá celebrar matrimonio todo sacerdote, rabino, imán o ministro de cualquier iglesia o secta religiosa que esté debidamente autorizado por su iglesia o secta religiosa e inscrito en el Registro por el Secretario General y actúe dentro de los límites de la autoridad que le haya conferido, por escrito, su iglesia o secta religiosa y siempre que una de las partes contrayentes pertenezca a la iglesia o secta religiosa del celebrante."
The religious sect used to hold afternoon prayers in residential areas.
Las sectas religiosas solían celebrar rezos vespertinos en las zonas residenciales.
The problem of religious sects does not appear to be serious in Liechtenstein.
139. Las sectas religiosas no parecen representar un problema grave en Liechtenstein.
Religious sects were banned only for insulting other religions.
Las sectas religiosas se prohibían únicamente si insultaban a otras religiones.
They also insulted him and his religious sect and prevented him from performing his religious duties.
También lo insultaron a él y a su secta religiosa, y le impidieron cumplir sus deberes religiosos.
Religious sects are virtually non-existent.
Las sectas religiosas son prácticamente inexistentes.
Some of these violations led police to interfere in the activities of some religious sects.
Algunas de estas violaciones llevaron a la policía a injerirse en las actividades de varias sectas religiosas.
There's a religious sect called Discordianism.
Hay una secta religiosa llamada Discordianismo.
a well-recognized religious sect,
una secta religiosa reconocida...
A religious sect called The Lord's Disciples.
Una secta religiosa llamada "Los Discípulos del Señor".
Members of well-recognized religious sects
Los miembros de una secta religiosa reconocida...
It's sort of like a religious sect.
Son como una especie de secta religiosa.
He could have co-opted a religious sect.
Pudo haber co optado a una secta religiosa.
Why are yöu after all the religious sects?
¿Por qué vas detrás de todas las sectas religiosas?
- Who died? - Pierre Gardet... the leader of some religious sect.
- Pierre Gardet.... el líder de una secta religiosa.
Well, it's a very strict religious sect.
Esta es una secta religiosa muy estricta.
- They think we're some kind of radical religious sect?
¿Creen que somos una especie de secta religiosa radical?
“Is this some new religious sect?”
¿Se trata de una nueva secta religiosa?
They ask if we are a religious sect.
Nos preguntan si somos una secta religiosa.
“Old-time religious sect.” “Yeah?
Una antigua secta religiosa. —¿Ah, sí?
An ‘Old Bolshevik’ and researcher on religious sects;
Un «viejo bolchevique» e investigador de las sectas religiosas;
The very model of the leader of a religious sect.
Es el auténtico modelo del líder de una secta religiosa.
*The Yen Buddhists are the richest religious sect in the universe.
[16] El Budismo Yen es la secta religiosa más acaudalada del Universo.
But there are thousands of religious sects on Amel . millions, maybe.
—Pero en Amel hay miles de sectas religiosas… o millones tal vez.
They were some sort of machine-hating religious sect, weren't they?
¿Eran una clase de secta religiosa que odiaba a las maquinas, verdad?
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