Traduction de "reconstructable" à espagnol
Exemples de traduction
Was it reconstructible, or was it already a great void, a lie, a repetition?
¿Era reconstruible, o era ya un gran vacío, una mentira, una repetición?
Licario knew that he was on his way down to the region where no vision can be reconstructed.
Licario sabía que descendía a la región donde no hay visión reconstruible.
although she might have been had she gone on to play a significant part in activities that could be more easily traced and reconstructed at the end of the War or if someone high up took against her and denounced her just like that, or on some intuitive whim;
si acaso, si se significó en otras cosas más rastreables y reconstruibles al término de la Guerra o si alguien bien situado entonces le tuvo ojeriza y la denunció sin más, o intuitivamente;
Doña Cambita would take on the appearance of a dual divinity, one of whose aspects was that of an old and puckered woman, barely reconstructible, and on the reverse a maiden who after having been in exile reappears out of the forest accompanied by a young knight eternally asleep in her arms and a startled antelope, which looks with ceaseless mistrust at the phlegmatic king as he advances to embrace his daughter.
De tal manera, que cuando saltaba en las conversaciones familiares, la frase la hija del oidor, cobraba doña Cambita la presencia de una divinidad dual, una de cuyas apariciones era vieja y sarmentosa, apenas reconstruible, y en su reverso el de una doncella, que habiendo estado en el destierro, reaparece surgiendo del bosque acompañada por un doncel secularmente dormido en sus brazos y un antílope sobresaltado, que mira con incesante desconfianza al cachazudo rey que se adelanta para abrazar a su hija.
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