Traduction de "quiet and calm" à espagnol
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If you don't stay quiet and calm down, I am sending you over to psychiatric on a 5150.
Si no estás callada y calmada, te mandaré al psiquiátrico con un 5150.
All I want is to work in a place that's quiet and calm, where I don't have to think about all the messed-up stuff that I saw.
Todo lo que quiero es trabajar en un lugar tranquilo y calmado, donde no tenga que pensar sobre todos los destrozos que he visto.
The Doctor walked across to the lake, which was soon quiet and calm again.
El Doctor se acercó al lago para ver de cerca sus aguas tranquilas y calmadas de nuevo.
“He was always a peaceful person, quiet and calm, he just wanted to protect people in Afghanistan who he believed were the victims of terrorism.”
«Siempre fue una persona pacífica, tranquila y calmada, sólo quería proteger a la gente de Afganistán que él creía que eran víctimas del terrorismo».
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