Traduction de "printing-office" à espagnol
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A slaver must have snuck into the printing office and put that in there.
Seguro que se coló un esclavista en la imprenta para añadir esa parte.
His first stop would be the Government Printing Office Data Center.
Su primera parada sería el Centro de Datos de la Imprenta del Gobierno.
The duke said what he was after was a printing-office. We found it;
El duque dijo que iba a buscar una imprenta. La encontramos;
That was all the more unjust, seeing that Esch himself was to blame for the lack of decent blocks in the printing-office.
Lo que resultaba tanto más injusto siendo Esch el culpable de que no hubiera en la imprenta clisés adecuados.
Oh yes … the paper and the printing-office were worth 20,000 marks, and a bargain at the price.
—Sí, claro… Veinte mil marcos, incluida la imprenta, sería un precio de amigo.
Bolibine had found work in a printing-office, and Manilof, a very clever cabinetmaker, was employed by a builder.
Bolibin había encontrado trabajo en una imprenta y Manilof, que era un buen ebanista, trabajaba para un empresario.
It was like looking into the “hell box” of a printing office, and was all the more amusing because every mouthful of soup you take out, brought up a new combination.
Era como asomarte a un «cajón tipográfico» de imprenta, pero más divertido, porque cada cucharada de sopa traía una combinación.
“Quite, quite, Herr Major, but if the Herr Major seriously desired it … and once the Herr Major has seen the printing-office, he will certainly desire it.…”
—Cierto, cierto, mi comandante, pero si mi comandante quisiera, en serio… Cuando mi comandante haya visto la imprenta, seguro que querrá…
He had set up and printed off two little jobs for farmers in that printing-office—horse bills—and took the money, four dollars.
Había preparado e impreso dos trabajillos para agricultores en aquella imprenta (para venta de caballos) y le habían pagado cuatro dólares.
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