Traduction de "pletely" à espagnol
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Te juro por Dios que, me siento completamente cachondo.
Stanfield is com-pletely lost.
Stanfield está completamente confundido.
He was still laughing but he was also com-pletely serious.
Reía aún y al mismo tiempo estaba completamente serio.
I take you with com-plete seriousness, Captain Scubbly Bee.” Kevin sighed.
Le tomo completamente en serio, capitán Scubbly Bee. Kevin suspiró.
I admit, it’s better than having them com-pletely exterminated and lost forever.
Lo admito, es mejor que tenerlos completamente exterminados y perdidos para siempre.
Gus, a contemporary eunuch - smack had left him com- pletely impotent-was puffing and panting by my side.
Gus, eunuco contemporáneo, completamente impotente ya por el caballo, estaba a mi lado, jadeando y resoplando.
It opened into a medi eval-looking castle chamber com pletely different from the one that had held our soldiers.
Daba a la cámara de un castillo con aspecto medieval, completamente distinto al edificio en el que estaban nuestros soldados.
She was completely unrecognizable by the time he finished with her, seeming to hate her more com-pletely than he did Kim Luong more completely than the women we believe he murdered in Paris before he came to Richmond.
Cuando terminamos con ella estaba completamente irreconocible: él parecía haberla odiado incluso más que a Kim Luong; más que a las mujeres que creemos él asesinó en París antes de venir a Richmond.
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