Traduction de "perhaps thousands" à espagnol
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There are hundreds, perhaps thousands of survivors’ stories;
Hay centenares, tal vez miles de relatos de los supervivientes;
They were everywhere you looked, hundreds of them, perhaps thousands.
Estaban en todas partes, había cientos, tal vez miles.
I absolutely saw hundreds of skulls: perhaps thousands.
Yo mismo pude ver cientos de cráneos, o tal vez miles.
It was the ghostly sound of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of small birds.
Era el sonido espectral de cientos, tal vez miles de pequeñas aves.
Clearly, the place had been deserted for hundreds, perhaps thousands, of years.
Se veía claramente que el lugar había estado abandonado durante cientos, tal vez miles, de años.
Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of different species of animals and fish became instantly extinct.
Cientos, tal vez miles de especies de animales y peces se extinguieron inmediatamente.
Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of angry voices chanting in unison. “No moon queen!
Cientos, tal vez miles, de voces alzadas coreando al unísono. «¡Fuera la reina lunar!
For those who have seen the Earth from space, and for the hundreds and perhaps thousands more who will, the experience most certainly changes your perspective.
Para quienes han visto la Tierra desde el espacio, y para los centenares y quizás miles de personas más que lo harán, sin duda la experiencia cambia a quien tiene la perspectiva.
65. According to ranchers and civil society sources, PARECO has stolen hundreds, perhaps thousands, of head of cattle over the past 15 months.
Según los ganaderos y otros civiles, en los últimos 15 meses la PARECO ha robado cientos, quizá miles, de cabezas de ganado que a menudo vende a las FDLR o en mercados locales.
Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of organizations, are setting precedents, developing tools and offering policy options to meet the urban challenge, yet these actions are disparate.
Hay cientos y quizás miles de organizaciones que están sentando precedentes, desarrollando instrumentos y ofreciendo opciones normativas para hacer frente al desafío urbano, y, sin embargo, aplican estas medidas cada una por su lado.
Many, many people are coming to us, perhaps thousands.
Muchas, muchas personas están viniendo a nosotros, quizá miles.
Lots of activity emanating from the Capitol, with hundreds... perhaps thousands...
Hay mucha actividad en el Capitolio, con cientos... quizá miles...
Where there's one there must be others, perhaps thousands and every one of them looking for their chief.
Donde hay uno debe haber otros, quizá miles, y todos ellos están buscando a su jefe.
We have to test hundreds more, perhaps thousands.
Tenemos que probar cientos más, quizá miles.
But hundreds, perhaps thousands of lives were saved as a result.
Pero cientos, quizá miles de vidas se salvaron como resultado.
And might they have already come to Earth hundreds, or perhaps, thousands of years ago?
¿Y podrían ya haber venido a la tierra hace cientos, o quizá miles de años?
Most mornings, groups of spinner dolphins arrive here... as their kind has done for hundreds, perhaps thousands of years.
Casi todas las mañanas, grupos de rotadores llegan aquí... como ha sido durante cientos, o quizás miles de años.
Unmolested they lived for hundreds, perhaps thousands, of years.
Sin ser molestados, vivían centenares, quizá miles de años.
There must have been hundreds, perhaps thousands, of copies of "Minos."
Tenía que haber centenares, quizá miles de copias de ese «Minos».
Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of women danced in cities and towns.
Cientos, quizá miles, de mujeres bailaban en pueblos y ciudades.
We were just one towering library among hundreds — or perhaps thousands.
No éramos más que una torre elevada entre cientos… o quizá miles.
The sepoys were just a short distance away, hundreds, perhaps thousands of them.
Los cipayos —cientos, quizá miles— sólo estaban a unos pasos.
Hundreds, perhaps thousands. Children too.’ Now it was Noah I was thinking of.
Cientos, quizá miles. También a niños. —Ahora pensaba en Noah.
Of all the hundreds, perhaps thousands, that I have dueled with, you were the best.
De todos los cientos, quizá miles de adversarios con los que me he batido, vos fuisteis el mejor.
The United States planned to resettle hundreds, perhaps thousands of the young men of Kakuma.
Estados Unidos planeaba aceptar a cientos de jóvenes de Kakuma, quizá miles.
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