Traduction de "perhaps it was had" à espagnol
Exemples de traduction
Many members of the Roma community in Serbia possessed no identity documents, perhaps because they had migrated from other parts of the former Yugoslavia.
51. Muchos miembros de la comunidad romaní en Serbia no poseen documentos de identidad, tal vez porque han inmigrado de otras zonas de la ex-Yugoslavia.
Perhaps the time had come when the Fourth Committee no longer needed to operate through the filter of the Special Committee, whose time had already passed.
Tal vez haya llegado el momento de que la Cuarta Comisión deje de realizar sus actividades por conducto del Comité Especial, que ha dejado de tener actualidad.
Perhaps a misunderstanding had occurred.
Tal vez se haya producido un equívoco.
It was intended that an informal meeting should be held for that purpose before the dialogue with the State party; perhaps Mr. Riedel had misunderstood that point.
A tal fin se pretende que se celebre una reunión oficiosa antes de entablar el diálogo con la delegación del Estado Parte; tal vez al Sr. Riedel no le ha quedado claro este particular.
Perhaps the time had come for the General Assembly to reallocate the responsibility for decolonization in East Timor directly to the Fourth Committee.
Tal vez haya llegado el momento de que la Asamblea General asigne la responsabilidad de la descolonización en el Timor directamente a su Cuarta Comisión.
Perhaps its powers had been limited too far.
Tal vez sus facultades se han limitado excesivamente.
In the light of the boycott, perhaps the time had come to look at the established practice of allowing staff representatives to make statements to the Fifth Committee.
Frente a tal boicot, tal vez convenga reexaminar la práctica consistente en autorizar a los representantes de las asociaciones a hacer uso de la palabra ante la Quinta Comisión.
Perhaps the time had finally come to put the idea into practice.
Tal vez ha llegado el momento de materializar esa idea.
Perhaps some people had hoped that the consultations with the administering Power would lead to a careful consideration and review of the substantive issues.
Hubo tal vez quienes esperaban que las consultas con la Potencia administradora condujeran a un estudio y examen minuciosos de los problemas principales.
Perhaps they all had been.
Tal vez lo hubieran sido todos.
Perhaps I already had.
Tal vez ya lo hubiera hecho.
Perhaps she never had.
Tal vez nunca lo hubiera sido.
Perhaps she always had been.
Tal vez siempre lo había sido.
Perhaps the barn had burned;
Tal vez se había quemado el granero;
Or perhaps the wind had dropped.
O tal vez el viento se había serenado.
Perhaps the woman had invented the whole thing;
Tal vez lo había inventado todo;
Perhaps a solution had arrived for that, as well.
Tal vez también hubiera llegado una solución para eso.
Perhaps all this had needed to happen.
Tal vez era necesario que ocurriera todo eso.
Perhaps she had had all these things; perhaps not.
Quizá ella tuvo todo eso, quizá no.
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