Traduction de "packing them" à espagnol
Packing them
Exemples de traduction
It’s no problem, my friends there will help you to pack them.
Eso no tiene problema, allá mis amigos le ayudan a empacarlas.
Uneasily, Maitland realized that she might notice the gaps in the shelves where he had pulled down his reference books and packed them away.
Intranquilo, Maitland se dio cuenta de que vería los huecos en los estantes donde él sacara sus libros de consulta para empacarlos.
In fact some were too roomy, and as they climbed in the dwarves thought anxiously of the shaking and the bumping they would get inside, though Bilbo did his best to find straw and other stuff to pack them in as cosily as could be managed in a short time. At last twelve dwarves were stowed.
En verdad, algunas eran demasiado grandes, y los enanos pensaron conangustia en las sacudidas y topetazos que soportarían dentro, aunque Bilbo buscópaja y otros materiales para empacarlos lo mejor que pudo, en tan corto tiempo.Por último, doce enanos estuvieron dentro de los barriles.
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