Traduction de "ordering him" à espagnol
Ordering him
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Melchor lifted an arm, ordering him to be quiet.
Melchor alzó un brazo ordenándole que callara.
Prague shouted at Marseilles, ordering him down the corridor.
El de Praga gritó al marsellés, ordenándole que regresara.
At last Jebu heard a cry ordering him to move ahead.
Al fin, Jebu oyó un grito ordenándole que continuaran.
No wonder she'd retreated into the shadows, ordering him not to look at her. She wasn't human any longer.
No era extraño que se hubiera retirado en las sombras, ordenándole que no la mirara. Ya no era humana.
He pointed his Mauser toward the wounded man's temple, silently ordering him to talk.
Apuntó con su Máuser a la sien del herido, ordenándole silenciosamente que hablara.
Banks heard the base CO order him back hours ago.
Hace unas horas, Banks ha oído al comandante de la base ordenándoles volver.
When he tried to turn, the grip tightened, ordering him to stay where he was.
Cuando quiso darse la vuelta la presión se hizo más intensa, ordenándole que no se moviera.
She wrote to him complaining bitterly of the delay, and ordering him to march forthwith into Ulster.
Le escribió quejándose agriamente del retraso y ordenándole que marchase sin más demora contra el Ulster.
perhaps it was arguing with its owner, ordering him to give his captor what he wanted.
tal vez estaba deliberando con su dueño, ordenándole que diera a su captor lo que este pedía.
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