Traduction de "militia regiment" à espagnol
Militia regiment
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The generality of Americans, however, held that, since no immediate danger seemed to hang over America, and since they had supplied several militia regiments in the late war, for the expulsion of the French from Canada, their obligations were now at an end.
La mayoría de los americanos, sin embargo, sostenían que, puesto que no parecía haber ningún peligro inmediato para el país, y puesto que habían aportado varios regimientos de milicias en la última guerra, para la expulsión de los franceses de Canadá, sus obligaciones habían terminado.
We were not to know that General St Clair’s failure to reinforce his rear-guard had been due to the contumacious refusal of two militia regiments to march; and that, had we pressed the pursuit, we might have captured prisoners by the thousand, and supported ourselves upon the food and ammunition that they strewed behind them in their rout.
No sabíamos que el general St. Clair no había reforzado su retaguardia debido a la contumaz negativa de dos regimientos de milicias a marchar, y que, si hubiéramos continuado la persecución, podíamos haber capturado miles de prisioneros y sostenernos con los víveres y las municiones que ellos dejaran en su fuga.
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