Traduction de "make do with" à espagnol
Exemples de traduction
You will have to make do with mine.
Tendrá que conformarse con la mía.
she had to make do with the chamber pot.
tenía que conformarse con el orinal.
Or make do with an evening of philosophy.
O conformarse con una velada sobre filosofía.
The idea is not to make do with less.
La idea no es conformarse con menos.
They had to make do with spring water.
Tuvieron que conformarse con el agua del manantial.
The humans had no choice but to make do with this.
Los humanos no tuvieron más remedio que conformarse con eso.
Mm, well you'll have to make do with a small juicy fruit!
Vas a tener que ver con la una fruta jugosa pequeño!
We'll make do with what we have, won't we?
Haremos que ver con lo que tenemos, ¿no?
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