Traduction de "loved and hated" à espagnol
Loved and hated
Exemples de traduction
Feeling loved and hated at the same time.
Sentirse amado y odiado a la vez.
I can see that Chinese cat standin' there smilin' like Fu Manchu, and saying, "The queen of diamonds is reminiscent in many ways of Raymond's dearly loved and hated mother.
Puedo ver a aquel chino allí parado, sonriendo como Fu Manchú y diciendo: "La reina de diamantes recuerda de muchas maneras a la amada y odiada madre de Raymond".
in that coffin--the woman she had loved and hated so.
la mujer a la que tanto había amado y odiado.
Roland was neither loved nor hated in Delain.
En Delain, Roland no era ni amado ni odiado.
           That world which Ive loved and hated, that submerged gray world;
Ese mundo que he amado y odiado, ese sumergido mundo gris;
He was loved and hated, feared and venerated, but seldom understood.
amado y odiado, temido y venerado, rara vez comprendido.
Doubtless you will love and you will hate, as you have loved and hated.
Sin duda tú amarás y odiarás, tal como has amado y odiado.
And had they loved and hated similar loves and hates, and done similar silly things when silly things were done?
¿Y habrían amado y odiado con amores y odios similares a los terrestres, y habrían cometido las mismas tonterías cuando hicieron tonterías?
On the other side of her was Ibn Farid, the father she had loved and hated so much.
Del otro lado, yacía Ibn Farid, el padre al que tanto había amado y odiado Zahra.
I've learned to endure this peculiar life, that involves being both loved and hated at the same time.
He aprendido a sobrellevar la difícil y particular situación de ser amado y odiado a la vez.
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