Traduction de "limit himself" à espagnol
Limit himself
Exemples de traduction
Dutiful Aeneas must harden and limit himself.
El sumiso Eneas debe endurecerse y limitarse.
For this reason, especially with strangers, he would try to limit himself to brief, succinct propositions.
Por eso, sobre todo hablando con extraños, procuraba limitarse a proposiciones breves e incisivas.
He continued to pop them, trying to limit himself to one every half hour;
Después siguió rompiéndolas, intentando limitarse a una cada media hora;
But I try to be fair, although a police officer should limit himself to arresting suspects.
Pero intento ser justo, aunque un rati debe limitarse a detener sospechosos.
“Why should he limit himself to Ano allusions now that he serves a different master?”
¿Por qué iba a limitarse a hacer alusiones a los clásicos anu ahora que sirve a un señor distinto?
Gods are like women: When there are so many fine choices, why should a man limit himself to but one?
—Chico listo Los dioses son como las mujeres. Si hay tanto donde elegir, ¿por qué habría de limitarse un hombre a uno solo?
He thought it showed some kind of class to limit himself to just that one car.
Pero recuerdo bien a aquel tío: le parecía que era una muestra de clase limitarse a robar un solo tipo de coche.
Instead of the six to eight hours of sleep he was used to getting, he decided to limit himself to three or four.
En lugar de las seis u ocho horas de sueño a que estaba acostumbrado, decidió limitarse a tres o cuatro.
unfortunately, not knowing their language yet, he had had to limit himself to making many hints that probably no one had understood.
desgraciadamente, como aún no conocía su lengua, tuvo que limitarse a hacerles algunas señas, que ninguno probablemente comprendió.
Cato was sitting at a table, drinking a cup of water, savouring the fact that he no longer had to limit himself to a small ration.
Cato estaba sentado a la mesa, bebiendo agua, saboreando el hecho de no tener que limitarse a una pequeña ración.
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