Traduction de "lets you see" à espagnol
Exemples de traduction
The light doesn't let you see the path.
La luz no te deja ver el camino.
Because life only lets you see one day at a time.
Porque la vida solo te deja ver un día a la vez.
He won't let you see Snooks?
No te deja ver a Snooks?
The warden won't let you see Keller.
el director no te deja ver a keller.
It's the fact that you don't believe in luck that doesn't let you see the role... that it played in this investigation.
Es el hecho de que tú no crees en la suerte lo que no te deja ver el papel que tuvo en esta investigación.
John won't let you see my brother?
¿Y John no te deja ver a mi hermano?
Let you see 'em, huh?
Le permite ver 'em , ¿eh ?
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