Traduction de "killed many" à espagnol
Exemples de traduction
They killed many North Koreans.
Han matado a muchos norcoreanos.
It would have killed many, many more.
Habría matado a muchos, muchos más.
And I have killed many men.
Y he matado a muchos hombres, no lo dudes.
Taddeo had killed many Germans.
Alemanes, Taddeo había matado a muchos.
They have killed many of my followers, it is true.
Han matado a muchos de mis seguidores, es cierto.
He had killed many men, that was true.
Había matado a muchos hombres, era cierto.
But we killed many when they made that stupidness.
Pero hemos matado a muchos cuando cometieron esa estupidez.
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