Traduction de "it offensive" à espagnol
Exemples de traduction
Offensive advertising is prohibited.
La publicidad ofensiva está prohibida.
Killed by offensive weapon
Matado por arma ofensiva
The Ramadan offensive
La ofensiva del Ramadán
Offensive military overflights
Vuelos militares ofensivos
of Strategic Offensive Arms
las armas estratégicas ofensivas
Offensive hand grenade
Granada de mano ofensiva
The new Criminal Code regulates the crimes of preparation of an offensive war and instigation of an offensive war.
El nuevo Código Penal tipifica los delitos de preparación de una guerra ofensiva y de instigación de una guerra ofensiva.
- That picture, it's offensive.
- Este dibujo es ofensivo.
I think it's offensive, too.
Creo que es ofensivo, también.
It's offensive to "me-Americans."
es ofensivo para "mí-americanos".
It's offensive and aggressive.
Es ofensivo y agresivo.
It's offensive and unacceptable.
Es ofensivo e inaceptable.
It's offensive and disrespectful.
Es ofensivo e irrespetuoso.
It's offensive, all right?
Es ofensivo, ¿sabes?
It isn’t offensive. He isn’t offensive.
Pero no se trata de algo ofensivo. Él no es ofensivo.
That was offensive.
Resultaba ofensivo.
This was offensive.
Eso resultaba ofensivo.
“Because it’s offensive.”
–Porque es ofensiva.
It’s bloody offensive.”
Es de lo más ofensivo.
This was especially offensive.
Esto era especialmente ofensivo.
“It was offensive to me.”
Me resultaba ofensivo.
The winter offensive.
—La ofensiva de invierno.
They took the offensive.
Y pasaron a la ofensiva.
Garlic was ‘offensive’.
El ajo era «ofensivo».
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