Traduction de "it is reviewed" à espagnol
It is reviewed
Exemples de traduction
83. The Disciplinary Code was reviewed.
Se revisó el código disciplinario.
to request the review of the expulsion order;
Solicitar que se revise la orden de expulsión;
She hoped that the relevant legislation would be reviewed.
Confía en que se revise la legislación pertinente.
The Committee requests that the presentation be reviewed.
La Comisión pide que se revise esa presentación.
The Act is under regular review.
La ley se revisa regularmente.
The allowance is reviewed annually;
Se revisa anualmente;
It is time for the Act to be reviewed.
Es hora de que se revise dicha ley.
The Committee suggests that this procedure be reviewed.
El Comité sugiere que se revise ese procedimiento.
The Committee is currently reviewing these guidelines.
Actualmente el Comité revisa esas directrices.
He reviewed the situation.
Revisó la situación.
He reviewed his position.
Revisó su posición.
He reviewed them briefly.
Las revisó brevemente.
Nora reviewed the list.
Nora revisó la lista.
I have the paperwork for your review.
Tengo el papeleo para que lo revise.
“And she reviewed the autopsy report?”
—¿Y revisó el informe de la autopsia?
I reviewed the slate and sighed.
Revisé la placa y suspiré.
Arkady reviewed his notes.
Arkady revisó sus notas.
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