Traduction de "it is is entirely" à espagnol
Exemples de traduction
Its application is entirely excluded.
Su aplicación queda completamente excluida.
The view seems entirely sound.
La opinión parece completamente racional.
The picture is not entirely satisfactory, however.
Sin embargo, el panorama no es completamente satisfactorio.
The choice is entirely up to the victim.
Las víctimas son completamente libres en su elección.
The use of the paper is entirely optional.
El empleo del documento es completamente optativo.
It was entirely unacceptable to negate it totally.
Es completamente inaceptable negarla por completo.
The real situation is entirely different.
La situación real es completamente diferente.
It is not entirely untrue.
No es completamente falso.
It is not entirely a bilateral issue.
No es completamente un problema bilateral.
We believe that is entirely possible.
Creemos que esto es completamente posible.
You are never entirely helpless, nor ever entirely in it for yourself.
Nunca se está completamente indefenso, ni completamente solo.
He was an entirely new, entirely different Anselm Eibenschütz.
Era un Anselm Eibenschütz completamente nuevo, completamente cambiado.
Your brain is entirely human, and entirely based on your genes.
Su cerebro es completamente humano, y está completamente basado en sus genes.
            “Entirely, Computer.
Completamente, Programador.
But it is not entirely true.
Pero no es completamente cierto.
This is entirely real.
Esto es completamente real.
This was not entirely true.
Eso no era completamente cierto.
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