Traduction de "is unbecoming" à espagnol
Exemples de traduction
The indictment was filed with the District Military Court for offences of excessive authority that endangers life or health and of unbecoming conduct.
La causa se instruyó en la oficina del distrito militar por los delitos de abuso de autoridad que ponen en peligro la vida o la salud de las personas y de conducta impropia.
Regrettably, the Israeli representative cannot refrain from making disgusting remarks, and in order to maintain decorum we will only describe them as unbecoming and inappropriate for this venue.
Lamentablemente, el representante israelí no puede abstenerse de formular observaciones vergonzosas que, para mantener el decoro, sólo describiremos como impropias e inadecuadas para este foro.
In other words, the poor are a `failure', an unbecoming excrescence that must be done away with.
En otras palabras, los pobres son un fracaso, una excrecencia impropia que hay que eliminar.
Repression was unbecoming of the dignity of States, which had every means at their disposal to put forth a counter narrative.
La represión es impropia la dignidad de los Estados, que disponen de todos los medios a su alcance para plantear argumentos opuestos.
In other cases, an investigation may disclose activities that clearly violate national laws, or behaviour unbecoming an international civil servant.
En otros casos, es posible que una investigación revele actividades que infringen claramente las leyes nacionales, o una conducta impropia de un funcionario público internacional.
19. The members of this new force are inevitably inexperienced and there have been several incidents involving abuse of authority, unbecoming conduct or disproportionate use of force.
Los miembros de esta nueva fuerza son inevitablemente inexpertos y se han producido varios incidentes de abuso de autoridad, conducta impropia o uso desmedido de la fuerza.
Improper or unbecoming behaviour was to be avoided, as was "any action which might be injurious to the dignity and reputation of their profession or to the status of the judicial power.
Debe evitarse todo comportamiento impropio e indecoroso, al igual que toda acción que pueda dañar la dignidad y la reputación de su profesión o el prestigio del poder judicial.
Such behaviour is highly unbecoming of an official dealing with the United Nations.
Tal comportamiento es muy impropio de un funcionario que trata con las Naciones Unidas.
These prescribe a range of punishments for dereliction of duty or conduct unbecoming of a government official.
En él se prescribe una serie de penas que castigan la negligencia en el cumplimiento del deber o la conducta impropia de los funcionarios.
Djibouti felt compelled to alert the international community of this unbecoming behaviour and the matter was brought to the attention of the Security Council.
Djibouti se vio obligado a poner sobre aviso a la comunidad internacional respecto de esta conducta impropia, y la cuestión se señaló a la atención del Consejo de Seguridad.
Such behavior is unbecoming for the son of a Pope.
Este tipo de comportamiento es impropio para el hijo de un Papa.
Such mockery is unbecoming of you.
Esa burla es impropia de tí.
It is unbecoming for a lady to read freud.
Es impropio para una dama a leer a Freud.
Petulance is unbecoming, my son.
La petulancia es impropia, hijo mío.
- Ahmed, this petulance is unbecoming.
- Ahmed, esta arrogancia es impropia.
That flavor of vanity is unbecoming in a woman my age.
Ese sabor de la vanidad es impropia en una mujer de mi edad.
That is unbecoming of a gentleman from my position.
Eso es impropio de un caballero de mi posición.
That language is unbecoming of a man of science.
Ese lenguaje es impropio de un hombre de ciencia.
You know, Durant, a poor winner is unbecoming regardless of the battlefield.
Durant, un mal ganador es impropio sin importar el campo de batalla.
Mighty Kans, this fear is unbecoming of you
Poderoso Kamsa, este miedo es impropio de ti.
“Gloating is unbecoming of you.”
—Eso es impropio de ti.
‘Conduct unbecoming,’ the guy said.
—Conducta impropia.
It was a most unbecoming sight to behold.
Era una visión sumamente impropia.
It’s, uh, unbecoming for officers of the law.
Este comportamiento, hum, es impropio de agentes de la ley.
Petulance is unbecoming in a swordswoman. Cut, girl.
—El enfurruñamiento es impropio de una espadachina. Tajo, chica.
It is unbecoming of a man to put himself forward in such a manner.
Es impropio de un hombre ir más allá del lugar que le corresponde.
“Dishonorably discharged,” Juliet added. “For conduct unbecoming.”
—Ignominiosamente despedidas —agregó Juliet. —Por conducta impropia.
She was wearing an unbecoming dress in dark green and mustard.
Lucía un vestido impropio, verde oscuro y mostaza.
To suggest anything else would be unbecoming of a Gereon soldier.
Sugerir cualquier otro motivo sería impropio de un soldado de Gereon.
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