Traduction de "is total" à espagnol
Is total
Exemples de traduction
Total GNIda = total GNI - total DBA
INBad total = INB total - ACD total
That is total speculation.
Eso es total especulación.
That is total irrelevant.
Eso es total irrelevante.
The embarrassment is total!
¡La vergüenza es total!
I mean, the complexity is total.
Y la complejidad es total.
Our concentration is total.
La concentración es total.
Real love is total.
El verdadero amor es total.
- the crisis is total?
-¿La crisis es total?
It is totally and utterly unacceptable.
Es total y absolutamente inaceptable.
The damage is total.
El daño es total.
“Are we on total scrambler?” “Total.”
—¿La reserva es total? —Total.
Total concentration, total calm.
Concentración total, calma total.
Total grandeur of a total edifice,
Total grandeza de un total edificio,
“A total asshole?” “Complete and total.
—¿Un gilipollas total? —Total y absoluto.
Order is all but total, and soon it will be total.
El Orden es casi total, y dentro de poco será total.
Total destruction means total reconstruction.” “For God’s sake!
La destrucción total significa reconstrucción total. —¡Por amor de Dios!
"Total eclipse,"Ianswered. "Total eclipse! no sun, no moon,
—Eclipse total— le contesté. «Eclipse total sin sol ni luna,
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