Traduction de "is refers" à espagnol
Exemples de traduction
Here, I refer to Haiti.
Me refiero a Haití.
* Refers to cards
* Se refiere a tarjetas.
This note refers to:
3. La presente nota se refiere a:
I am referring to failed States.
Me refiero a los Estados fallidos.
I refer here to Israel.
Me refiero a Israel.
He then refers to
Posteriormente se refiere a
Here I am referring to Islamophobia.
Me refiero a la islamofobia.
A. Member States referred to in
A. Estados Miembros a que se refiere el
A. Member States referred to
A. Estados Miembros a que se refiere la resolución
Dave se refiere a mi hijo mayor, John.
I believe the Doctor is referring to me, Prelate.
Creo que el doctor se refiere a mí, prelado.
The band is referred to as "the artist."
Se refiere a la banda como "El artista".
I know what Pierce is referring to.
Sé a lo que se refiere Pierce.
If you please, madam, I think Mr. Drake is referring to...
Disculpe, señora, creo que el Sr. Drake se refiere...
Mr. Briggs is referring to the, uh... failure
el Mr. Briggs se refiere al fracaso
He is referring to their part...
Se refiere a su papel...
[ Welles] François is referring, of course, to Elmyr.
François se refiere, por supuesto, a Elmyr.
This might be what the therapist is referring to.
Esto podría ser lo que el terapeuta se refiere.
- Miguel is referring to the drink.
- Miguel se refiere a la bebida.
Referring to what?”
—¿Y a qué se refiere?
‘Are you referring to this?’
—¿Te refieres a esto?
But what are you referring to?
Pero ¿a qué te refieres?
"I wasn't referring to that.
—No me refiero a eso.
“To what is it that you refer?”
- ¿A qué te refieres?
“Obviously I'm not referring to that.
–No, no me refiero a eso.
It refers to cupping.
—Se refiere a las ventosas.
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