Traduction de "is impudent" à espagnol
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This is one more impudent, reckless action which can be taken only by the gangster-like U.S. abusing the United Nations for its purpose of aggression through high-handed and arbitrary practices and swindle.
Se trata de un acto más, insolente y temerario, que solo puede darse en un país de gánsteres, abusando de las Naciones Unidas para sus fines de agresión, con sus maniobras arrogantes y fraudulentas.
His delegation wished, however, to record its dissatisfaction with the undiplomatic, arrogant, and impudent manner in which the informal consultations had been conducted.
18. Pese a lo anterior, su delegación hace constar su descontento por la forma poco diplomática, arrogante e insolente en que se realizaron las consultas oficiosas.
The State party recalls that all the above decisions referred to the wording of the letter as "inappropriate", "tasteless" and "outrageous and impudent".
El Estado parte recuerda que todas las instancias mencionadas estimaron que el tenor de la carta era "impropio", "de mal gusto" y "vejatorio e insolente".
The provision reads: "The family member who, through violence, abuse or particularly impudent behaviour, puts another family member into a humiliating position shall be punished by a prison term ranging from three months to three years."
La disposición establece que "el miembro de la familia que, mediante violencia, abuso o comportamiento particularmente insolente, ponga a otro miembro de la familia en una situación humillante será castigado con una pena de prisión de tres meses a tres años".
The spokesman of the United States Secretary of State also emphasized that the United States would continue to bring pressure to bear on the Iraqi Government until a Government favourable to the United States was installed, impudently adding that: clearly, the United States was convinced that the regime of Saddam Hussein must come to an end.
El portavoz del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de los Estados Unidos subrayó asimismo que "los Estados Unidos seguirán presionando al Gobierno del Iraq hasta lograr que se establezca un gobierno favorable a nuestro país", y agregó de manera insolente que "sin duda, los Estados Unidos están convencidos de que el régimen de Saddam Hussein debe terminar".
“You are impudent.”
—No seáis insolente.
You impudent puppy!
—¡Cachorro insolente!
Impudent little wretch,”
—¡Criatura insolente!
But the man was impudent!
¡Pero aquel hombre era un insolente!
A class where an impudent noise is made is apt to be an impudent class.
Una clase en la que se oye un ruido insolente es fácil que llegue a ser una clase insolente.
You are an impudent young man.
—Eres un jovenzuelo insolente.
“Thou art impudent, knight.”
—Y tú eres un insolente, caballero.
Impudent, you mean.
Insolente, querrás decir.
No—not impudent whelps, Sid.
—No, ni para los niños insolentes, Sid.
You impudent phantom, look at me!
¡Mírame, insolente fantasma!
and don't be impudent.
y no seas imprudente.
it still struck him as an impudent thing, dangerous in the extreme.
aún le parecía imprudente, algo extremadamente peligroso.
You have just been impudent to this new peer.
Acabáis de ser imprudentes con ese nuevo lord.
Their Commander demanded our surrender in the following impudent arrogance.
Su comandante exige nuestra rendición con la imprudente arrogancia siguiente».
Were you fooled by that impudent lie, Cauchart?" "Monsieur!
¿Y te dejaste engañar por esta imprudente mentira, Cauchart? —¡Señor! ¡Señor!
It was as if he knew her and was deliberately insulting her in a stare that was more than impudent in its directness.
Parecía conocerla y que la insultaba con su imprudente fijeza.
"That medallion of yours makes you impudent, Matrim Cauthon," Joline said coldly.
—Ese medallón tuyo te hace ser imprudente, Matrim Cauthon —contestó fríamente Joline.
The arrival of the Battlemaster inspired cheers from the thousands of feasters, and a single impudent nyaa.
La llegada del Maestro de Batalla inspiró vítores entre los miles de comensales, y un solo e imprudente nyaa.
“It is Bransen Garibond,” Dawson said, shooting a scolding glance at the impudent young warrior.
—Es Bransen Garibond —dijo Dawson, lanzando una mirada de reprobación al joven e imprudente guerrero—.
‘Sadly, our brother Kronos was dissolved by those impudent demigods.’ Koios heaved a sigh.
—Desgraciadamente, esos imprudentes semidioses acabaron con nuestro hermano Cronos —Ceo dejó escapar un suspiro—.
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