Traduction de "in few hours be" à espagnol
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They were all released within a few hours following their arrest.
Todos fueron liberados a las pocas horas de su detención.
Thereafter, the author saw the child only occasionally and for a few hours.
Después de eso la autora solo vio a su hijo ocasionalmente y durante pocas horas.
Within a few hours I myself will be in Oslo heading our delegation.
Dentro de pocas horas, yo mismo estaré en Oslo encabezando nuestra delegación.
He was released after a few hours.
Fue liberado pocas horas después.
Until a few hours ago he was with them.
Hasta hace unas pocas horas estaba con ellos.
Those terrorists that are arrested are released within a few hours or a few days.
Los terroristas que son arrestados son dejados en libertad a las pocas horas o a los pocos días.
69. The duration of detention of interviewees ranged from a few hours to 5 months.
69. Los entrevistados estuvieron presos entre unas pocas horas y cinco meses.
Mr. Tohti's elderly mother was also detained but was released a few hours later.
Su madre, anciana, también fue detenida, aunque puesta en libertad a las pocas horas.
Jogo died a few hours after the accident.
Abuki, Ali Thabani y Jogo; este último murió pocas horas después del accidente.
He allegedly died a few hours later.
Murió pocas horas después.
They had a few hours.
Tenían unas pocas horas.
Just a few hours’ sleep.”
Son pocas horas de sueño.
He died in a few hours.
Murió a las pocas horas.
In a few hours it was all over.
En pocas horas todo terminó.
Probably a few hours.
—Probablemente unas pocas horas.
Just for a few hours.
Sólo serán unas pocas horas.
A few hours at least.
Al menos unas pocas horas.
This was a few hours ago,
—Esto sucedió hace pocas horas.
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