Traduction de "ill treated" à espagnol
Exemples de traduction
It was the ill-treated Mrs.
Fue la maltratada Mrs.
that man of mine is not to be ill-treated.
No consentiré que uno de mis hombres sea maltratado.
"We were not ill-treated," he declared.
«Nosotros no fuimos maltratados», declaró.
Also that you are a prisoner that is ill-treated.
Y, por si fuera poco, una prisionera maltratada.
she had been ill treated by her father.
el padre la había maltratado.
I have been ill-treated and deprived of my rights.
He sido maltratado y me han privado de mis derechos.
It would be dreadful if George had been ill-treated.
Sería horrible si hubiesen maltratado a Jorgina.
In charge of a group of children who seem not to be ill-treated.
Y a cargo de un grupo de críos que parece que han sido maltratados.
it was no part of the Roman triumph to display prisoners ill-treated or beaten down.
Roma, en la celebración del triunfo, no exhibía prisioneros maltratados o apaleados.
(d) Right not to be ill-treated
d) Derecho a no recibir malos tratos
Many Christians had been terribly illtreated by the police.
La policía ha dado muy malos tratos a numerosos cristianos.
Conscientious objectors were not physically illtreated, but they were called effeminate and psychologically illtreated.
Los objetores de conciencia no son objeto de malos tratos físicos, pero se les llama afeminados y sufren malos tratos a nivel psicológico.
(a) ill-treating or otherwise exposing a child to harm;
a) infligir malos tratos o exponer de otra forma al niño a un daño;
It is alleged that he was ill-treated in order to make him confess.
Al parecer, fue sometido a malos tratos para obligarle a confesar.
He had reportedly been ill-treated in prison. Disposition
Se afirma que en la prisión fue víctima de malos tratos.
(e) has persistently or seriously ill-treated the child;
e) hayan sometido al menor a malos tratos graves o persistentes;
Three said they had not been tortured or ill-treated.
Tres de ellos refirieron no haber sido sometidos a tortura o malos tratos.
During this period Mr. Rastanawi was allegedly ill-treated.
Durante ese período el Sr. Rastanawi fue presuntamente objeto de malos tratos.
He was allegedly tortured and ill-treated.
Al parecer, fue sometido a torturas y malos tratos.
My sister has been ill-treated.
Mi hermana ha sido objeto de malos tratos.
You should marry her, major I think she is being ill-treated by Mrs. Dùrová.
Deberías casarte con ella, Mayor creo que sufre malos tratos... de la Sra. Durová.
I won't have my friends ill-treated, you know!
No quiero que mis amigos sufran malos tratos, ¿sabe?
A group of shepherds and homeless men who had been ill-treated banded together to aid Wallace any way they could.
Era un grupo de pastores y de gente sin hogar que habían sufrido malos tratos, formado una banda y ayudaban a Wallace.
Everyone present – and all had come with their minds full of historical examples, memories of their own, or their parents’ or their ancestors’ experience of being oppressed, ill-treated – every person present had come burning with the need to hear at last! (as Agent Tsi Kwang put it) the Truth.
Todos los presentes —y cada uno traía su bagaje de rencores históricos, recuerdos de opresión y malos tratos sufridos por ellos mismos, sus padres o sus abuelos— todos sentían la ardiente necesidad de escuchar al fin (en las palabras de la Agente Tsi Kwang) la Verdad.
He was at a loss to know why no hint of the two previous pregnancies had ever reached Karidkote, since one would have expected such a pleasant piece of news to be announced immediately, but the fact remained that she had twice miscarried in the early months. This, he imagined, might well have been due to grief and shock, as the first miscarriage had coincided with the deaths of her two waiting-women, and the second with that of the faithful old dai, Geeta: which hardly seemed like a concidence. But though he still suspected that there was some mystery connected with those deaths, one thing was quite clear: the Senior Rani was neither ill-treated nor unhappy.
No comprendía por qué no se habían comunicado los embarazos anteriores a Karidkote, ya que era de esperar que una noticia tan agradable se difundiera de inmediato, pero el hecho era que la Rani había tenido dos abortos en los primeros meses de embarazo. Gobind sospechaba que esto bien podía deberse a los sufrimientos padecidos por Shushila, ya que el primer aborto coincidió con las muertes de las dos mujeres que la asistían, y el segundo con el de su fiel dai, Geeta: era difícil pensar en una coincidencia, pero, aunque Gobind sospechaba que había algún misterio vinculado con estas muertes, una cosa estaba clara: la Rani principal no recibía malos tratos ni era desdichada.
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