Traduction de "i have written" à espagnol
Exemples de traduction
What I have written is written.
Lo que he escrito, escrito está.
I have written: “that scoundrel”.’
He escrito: «ese canalla».
I have written to the McCrums.
Ya he escrito a los McCrum.
I have written this in the train.
Estas páginas las he escrito en el tren.
You wanted to have a silly boss you could trick... and I have written the character... allergic to the naphthalene, the cigars... only to amuse you.
Tú querías tener un jefe tonto de quien burlarte... y yo he escrito el personaje... alérgico a la naftalina, los cigarros... sólo para divertirte.
- As you know, I have written...
- Como usted sabe, yo he escrito...
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